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Boston Red Sox
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Kip Branch24C71212117
Bob Brewer26C67875
Vasquo Caho262B11961013
Miguel Campos30P46139
Richard Carpenter29P75177
Manuel Cisneros23RF11913109
Michael Drake19P47138
Kevin Ferrell243B96988
Alberto Gabriel27LF1614141414
Clayton Gustafson31SS151451212
Jesús Hernández36SS121511012
Santiago Jiménez28P77189
Christian Johnston293B121413128
Fred Merritt21SS111561010
Eugene Myers20LF1316121011
Juan Ortega22P65137
Boyd Parrish32CF131731018
Enrico Pérez25RF89857
R.J. Phelan36LF1213121213
Andrew Pratt23RF81311107
Doug Roberts27P6104311
Jesús Rosales24P58139
Arturo Salazar29C910998
Iván Salgado25CF101110109
Mito Takahashi25LF1011101011
Jim Taylor20CF1316121312
Ricardo Valenzuela262B151731216
Ramón Valle37P76149
José Vargas20C1412111319
Thomas White29P810449
George William271B12203817
Chance Zuwiski351B1215121013
Potential Pitching Ratings
Miguel Campos30MR11111491-93 Mph3
Richard Carpenter29SP817987-89 Mph13
Michael Drake19SP10151290-92 Mph11
Santiago Jiménez28MR1216990-92 Mph16
Juan Ortega22CL13121692-94 Mph7
Doug Roberts27SP1115892-94 Mph20
Jesús Rosales24SP11111187-89 Mph15
Ramón Valle37MR1181186-88 Mph14
Thomas White29SP11121294-96 Mph20

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