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Tampa Bay Rays
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Eduardo Cervantes34SS811277
Lian-wei Ci19SS111261011
Denny Curran27P59239
David Davis34P68235
Francisco Davis26P27146
Aldred de Goedere26C111071111
Juan Fernández321B102016127
Kevin Frye33SS8129117
Tim Goff31P57135
Iestyn Goodhew20LF1116141211
Charles Hurt27P66158
António López28LF8101077
Tony MacNeill222B1311111411
Ed Meskell25RF101312119
William Murray22RF111513129
Bartolo Ortíz30P17138
Ed Patrick21CF1519201511
Aurelio Ramírez273B1417151213
Arturo Santos27C1087910
Dave Sherman24P56134
Tony Simpson24P611149
Ju-choer Son33LF121418139
Milton Steward24LF9910108
Shihei Tada27P14324
Marc Taylor27SS111161114
Oumee Vader20P67426
Francisco Vázquez341B132014109
Gustavo Vázquez27P65326
Neel Vinck31RF1215151212
Carl Witt361B148111013
Gary Yule26P58568
Potential Pitching Ratings
Denny Curran27MR20161195-97 Mph9
David Davis34MR1071191-93 Mph9
Francisco Davis26MR1591392-94 Mph8
Tim Goff31MR1112893-95 Mph4
Charles Hurt27MR971090-92 Mph18
Bartolo Ortíz30SP12131091-93 Mph9
Dave Sherman24SP813987-89 Mph18
Tony Simpson24CL20171698-100 Mph11
Shihei Tada27SP810991-93 Mph12
Oumee Vader20SP1215996-98 Mph5
Gustavo Vázquez27SP13101193-95 Mph6
Gary Yule26MR15131490-92 Mph6

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