BNN Index | MLB | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Los Angeles (A) Angels of Anaheim
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Jesse Albert28SS101310118
Keith Ashe26RF10591112
Jimmy Benson36P47136
Marcel Boisvert34LF131331211
Bill Bursey293B161551419
Raúl Cardoza31P57249
Bing-zhang Chia34P96239
Lewis Clemons27P275710
Arrighetto Cosini291B1510121113
Ignacio Cruz371B1612131112
Jorge Cruz36RF111115128
Bill Fitzgerald35C91013127
Jorge Flores27C101251010
Héctor García253B91012107
Pablo García26P56236
Fernando Gómez36SS1713101316
Jesús Gómez31P482510
Manuel González32P26237
John Harris261B117101111
Tommy Johnson25P37327
Fadey Kandinsky25P67236
Dennis Kennedy27P86146
Young-tae Kim26CF1519131517
Sancho López31LF912798
Vic McLearn27LF91612108
Joe Milton26RF9139117
Xiao-yong Mu38P56139
Marvin O'Malquiney28C97488
Adam Powell24P481311
Daisuke Seki26RF101218128
Nick Smith26P48147
Luis Vázquez29CF710895
Willis Whitten262B91181015
Potential Pitching Ratings
Jimmy Benson36MR19121296-98 Mph4
Raúl Cardoza31MR12111190-92 Mph1
Bing-zhang Chia34SP8141989-90 Mph7
Lewis Clemons27SP11131292-94 Mph8
Pablo García26MR1212790-92 Mph19
Jesús Gómez31SP179998-100 Mph15
Manuel González32MR11101191-93 Mph13
Tommy Johnson25MR13151093-95 Mph4
Fadey Kandinsky25CL20171497-99 Mph4
Dennis Kennedy27SP9111489-90 Mph18
Xiao-yong Mu38MR19131295-97 Mph8
Adam Powell24SP11121291-93 Mph14
Nick Smith26MR1511990-92 Mph4

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