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Houston Astros
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
David Allen243B910589
Chad Bahr35P79189
Michael Bell31P69128
Carlos Espinoza302B141951715
Esteban Gaona24CF81110810
Dani García24SS16133119
Ramón Gómes25P56136
Jessie Hall25P56335
Jon Harris29LF101291010
Oliver Hernández24P45166
Pancho Hernández36P66158
George Hughes25SS9165127
Fred Hulbert28P58137
Reese Hyde28P88247
Arnie Jackson26C10771013
Connor Martin31P46239
Javier Montoya29RF111512119
Pablo Ortíz352B151931216
Bartolo Palácios24C8146109
Joe Rearick271B10141288
Germán Santos26P57167
Paul Thomas28P88148
Bob Thompson231B98977
Brian Thompson23CF811698
David Tremblay251B101718127
Tan van Hoof21C1312121412
Orlando Vigil243B91911117
Martin Vokey27CF1818111620
Terry Walsh22LF137141213
Kevin Willis39RF10141087
John Winters28LF915697
Potential Pitching Ratings
Chad Bahr35CL20151897-99 Mph10
Michael Bell31MR16151294-96 Mph4
Ramón Gómes25SP913990-92 Mph9
Jessie Hall25SP1071190-92 Mph15
Oliver Hernández24MR14151396-98 Mph9
Pancho Hernández36SP14141694-96 Mph13
Fred Hulbert28MR15151193-95 Mph8
Reese Hyde28SP11101790-92 Mph11
Connor Martin31SP78989-90 Mph6
Germán Santos26MR10151293-95 Mph7
Paul Thomas28MR20131496-98 Mph12

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