BNN Index | MLB | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Major League Baseball
Players List, Letter 'K'
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Kandinsky, FadeyCLLos Angeles (A) Angels of Anaheim2511/14/1984VilniusLTURightRight5' 10"190 lbs-
Kaneko, KosamiMRArizona Diamondbacks2906/09/1981KusatsuJPNRightRight6' 2"184 lbs-
Keegan, Todd2BPensacola Feds2406/05/1986Fort BentonUSARightRight6' 1"225 lbs-
Kelley, BrittRFArizona Diamondbacks3009/16/1979IrondequoitUSASwitchRight5' 9"198 lbs-
Kelley, JoshSSKansas City Royals2410/10/1985DallasUSARightRight5' 11"185 lbs-
Kelly, DayleCFWashington Nationals2802/07/1982Lake BrownwoodUSASwitchRight6' 4"198 lbs-
Kelly, LewisSSCleveland Indians3410/29/1975San AntonioUSALeftRight6' 1"196 lbs-
Kennedy, DennisSPLos Angeles (A) Angels of Anaheim2701/25/1983CumberlandUSASwitchLeft6' 4"200 lbs-
Kennedy, WaltSPBaltimore Orioles3706/24/1973FlorinUSARightRight6' 1"180 lbs-
Kenneth, Jeff1BTexas Rangers2109/08/1988Saint Clair ShoresUSARightRight6' 1"195 lbs-
Keough, Devlyn1BSt. Louis Cardinals2808/19/1982OshawaCANRightRight6' 2"215 lbs-
Kern, JerryRFToronto Blue Jays2604/07/1984GreenfieldUSALeftLeft6' 1"193 lbs-
Kichida, YoshinoriLFSan Francisco Giants3704/18/1973OsakaJPNRightRight5' 8"205 lbs-
Kichikawa, Takanobu1BOakland Athletics2404/14/1986NagoyaJPNLeftRight6' 3"235 lbs-
Kikuchi, Kenko3BCleveland Indians3204/07/1978ChibaJPNLeftRight6' 2"190 lbs-
Kim, In-sikRFMinnesota Twins2608/28/1984KwangjuKORLeftLeft6' 3"230 lbs-
Kim, Seung-hyeonSPSt. Louis Cardinals2411/08/1985SongnamKORRightRight6' 2"215 lbs-
Kim, Seu3BWashington Nationals3509/27/1974KumiKORRightRight6' 1"200 lbs-
Kim, Young-taeCFLos Angeles (A) Angels of Anaheim2604/20/1984SogwipoKORRightRight6' 0"205 lbs-
King, Billy1BChicago (N) Cubs2505/30/1985FresnoUSARightRight6' 0"190 lbs-
King, JohnSPArizona Diamondbacks2506/27/1985MiamiUSARightRight6' 3"200 lbs-
King, SeanCFToronto Blue Jays3106/09/1979MacombUSARightRight6' 3"198 lbs-
Knapp, JoeCFMinnesota Twins3405/23/1976New YorkUSARightRight5' 11"208 lbs-
Knight, MarkMRCleveland Indians2509/07/1984DunmoreUSARightRight6' 0"180 lbs-
Kreamer, JackMRNew York (A) Yankees2712/17/1982LethbridgeCANRightRight6' 3"190 lbs-
Kurota, HirohisaCLSt. Louis Cardinals2912/08/1980TokyoJPNLeftRight6' 3"197 lbs-
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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