BNN Index | MLB | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Major League Baseball
Players List, Letter 'L'
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Lambert, BillRFPhiladelphia Phillies3601/23/1974New YorkUSALeftLeft6' 2"200 lbs-
Lammas, EddieCBaltimore Orioles3402/24/1976Cape TownRSARightRight5' 8"183 lbs-
Lane, Hugh1BBaltimore Orioles2205/13/1988Forest ParkUSALeftRight6' 2"175 lbs-
Lane, RobMRKansas City Royals2405/07/1986South GastoniaUSARightRight6' 5"205 lbs-
Lang, MattLFCincinnati Reds2305/23/1987Lake WynonahUSALeftLeft6' 0"210 lbs-
Lawrence, BrooksMRToronto Blue Jays3709/13/1972New YorkUSARightRight6' 2"210 lbs-
Lawrence, Stu2BLos Angeles (N) Dodgers3106/19/1979Bowling GreenUSARightRight5' 11"205 lbs-
LeBlanc, DannyCLArizona Diamondbacks3104/17/1979Santa RosaUSARightRight6' 0"193 lbs-
Ledesma, António3BSt. Louis Cardinals2311/13/1986Santo DomingoDOMLeftRight6' 0"185 lbs-
Lee, WaltMRToronto Blue Jays2908/05/1981MetairieUSARightRight6' 2"212 lbs-
Lehrfeld, LourençoSSBaltimore Orioles3009/19/1979BarinasVENRightRight6' 2"225 lbs-
Leighton, RichardMRColorado Rockies2307/09/1987LondonCANRightRight6' 3"225 lbs-
Lemieux, Gary1BBaltimore Orioles3101/10/1979BeamsvilleCANLeftLeft6' 0"205 lbs-
Lilly, RobertSPCincinnati Reds2203/04/1988PalmdaleUSASwitchRight6' 0"200 lbs-
Lindner, WillCLColorado Rockies2906/15/1981WahooUSARightRight5' 9"202 lbs-
Littlewood, CarlLFDetroit Tigers2802/17/1982TorontoCANRightRight6' 4"206 lbs-
Lluea, RamiroSPChicago (N) Cubs3410/28/1975MonterreyMEXRightRight5' 11"195 lbs-
López, AlfredoRFArizona Diamondbacks2503/23/1985SuperiorUSASwitchRight6' 3"220 lbs-
López, AntónioLFTampa Bay Rays2811/28/1981San LuisCUBRightRight5' 9"191 lbs-
López, Edgardo3BSan Diego Padres2810/03/1981Hybla ValleyUSARightRight6' 1"207 lbs-
López, FranciscoMRDetroit Tigers3112/19/1978LaresPURRightRight6' 4"213 lbs-
López, Germán2BDetroit Tigers3009/18/1979DowagiacUSARightRight5' 9"185 lbs-
López, JesúsSPColorado Rockies2106/30/1989San Pedro la LagunaGUARightRight6' 2"200 lbs-
López, JoséMRPhiladelphia Phillies2801/07/1982La RomanaDOMRightRight6' 5"225 lbs-
López, JoséMRNew York (N) Mets2803/05/1982Los AngelesUSARightRight6' 3"200 lbs-
López, MannyMRNew York (A) Yankees2705/24/1983UniondaleUSASwitchRight6' 3"210 lbs-
López, SanchoLFLos Angeles (A) Angels of Anaheim3112/17/1978Santo DomingoDOMLeftRight6' 0"215 lbs-
López, XavierMRChicago (N) Cubs3304/08/1977PoncePURLeftRight5' 10"215 lbs-
Lozano, PedroCNew York (A) Yankees2312/03/1986CuliacanMEXRightRight6' 2"215 lbs-
Luna, Germán1BNew York (A) Yankees2612/31/1983MixcoGUALeftLeft6' 3"225 lbs-
Lynch, RussellCLSeattle Mariners2510/04/1984AlbuquerqueUSARightRight6' 2"185 lbs-
Lyons, Andrew1BAtlanta Braves2302/04/1987Sleepy HollowUSASwitchRight6' 3"195 lbs-
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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